Archive for the ‘United States’ Category
Sunday, September 7th, 2008

At first blush, I couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to be “going back to Houston,” like the old pop song advocates. This massive city struck me as cold and impersonal, and sadly lacking in human energy. Houston, we have a problem.
But that was before I found the Red Cat Jazz Cafe.
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Tags:houston metro, houston texas, red cat jazz club, texas vacations, things to do in houston
Posted in Texas, United States | Comments Closed
Thursday, September 4th, 2008

San Antonio, Texas is, simply put, one heck of a great vacation destination. It is family-friendly, it is easy to navigate, it offers many activities and adventures, and there are no crowds right after Labor Day. But even when there are crowds (like on the Labor Day weekend), San Antonio is a must-see. And, a caution here, a couple of days just won’t be enough time.
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Tags:holiday travel in texas, menger hotel, natural bridge caverns, riverwalk, San Antonio, texas attractions, things to do in san antonio texas
Posted in Adventure Travel, Family Vacations, San Antonio, Texas, Tourist attractions, Travel Destinations, Travel with kids, United States, Variety | Comments Closed
Monday, September 1st, 2008

(An early morning view of the beautiful Mission San Jose in San Antonio’s Missions National Park.)
Thank you, Hurricane Gustav. We are sitting high and dry in one of the loveliest cities in North America, San Antonio. We are supposed to be in New Orleans. But thanks to a little convincing by Gustav and American officials, we changed our plans.
On the day we were set to arrive in NOLA, evacuation orders forced nearly two million folks to leave the southern seaboard. We had planned a holiday riding the rails, the Amtrak rails, but the trains were needed to take people out of New Orleans, so Amtrak cancelled our reservations.
We were in Houston (another area slated to be hit by Gustav) so we had no choice but to rent a car and head north to San Antonio. In fact, on our way, we passed a convoy of 2 dozen buses that were heading south on a rescue mission. Later, on TV, we watched as an endless line of buses, filled with those folks escaping the storm, headed away to safer zones like Dallas and Houston.
Now we are watching as the eye of Gustav makes landfall — the good news, maybe, for New Orleans, is that the eye will be passing farther to the west than expected.
But in the meantime, we are in San Antonio, where we have rented a comfortable house, we have walked the famous Riverwalk, we have ridden the canal boats, we have paid homage to the Alamo, and we have made an early morning trek to the old Spanish missions. What a joy!
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Tags:hurricane gustav, mission conception, mission espada, mission san jose, mission san juan, Missions National Historical Park, San Antonio, spanish missions, Texas
Posted in Adventure Travel, Family Vacations, San Antonio, Texas, Tourist attractions, Train Travel, Travel photography, Tropical Destinations, United States, Variety | Comments Closed
Friday, August 1st, 2008

My husband and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary yesterday. Our formal plans had us dining at a very cool eatery called “The Bootlegger Italian Bistro,” in South Las Vegas. We had eaten there when we first arrived in Vegas and thought it would be a nice place, with its classic old gangster ambience, to have our anniversary dinner.
But our plans changed. Vegas has a way of doing that to plans. So, we cancelled our reservations in favor of another place. And we are so glad we did. We had one of our best times yet in Las Vegas.
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Tags:downtown las vegas, fremont street experience, las vegas nevada, neon museum in las vegas, old hotels in las vegas, old Vegas, roller derby, the boneyard, vintage neon signs, where to photograph neon signs
Posted in Adventure Travel, Art Galleries, Family Vacations, Las Vegas, Tourist attractions, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, Travel photography, Travel safety, Travel tips, United States, Variety | 1 Comment »
Thursday, July 31st, 2008

I rode the Las Vegas monorail today; it runs along the backyards of Vegas’s giant hotels, all the way from the MGM to the Safari.
From its windows, you can see things you wouldn’t ordinarily glimpse from the Strip, like pools, and lounge chairs, and tanned bodies in tiny swimsuits, and white towels, and — wait a minute! — why are so many of those lounge chairs EMPTY?
Come to think of it, the traffic on the strip seems much lighter than I remember. The casinos seem quieter and less crammed. And the buffet restaurant lines are shorter, or even non-existent.
Where are the people? It’s the middle of summer. Shouldn’t this top American vacation destination be overflowing with visitors? I am curious, so I ask around.
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Tags:best hotel deals in vegas, free things in vegas, how to save money in vegas, las vegas monorail, las vegas nevada, slot machines in vegas, tourist numbers are down in las vegas, vegas deals
Posted in Adventure Travel, Airline Fees, Airline Travel, Budget Travel, Las Vegas, Travel tips, United States, Variety | Comments Closed
Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

Are you planning a trip to that Mecca of Nevada: Las Vegas? Maybe you have never visited this city of bright lights and money-grabbing slots, or maybe you haven’t been there in awhile.
The good news? Many things haven’t changed.
The better news? Many things have changed. Especially at the airport and at the car rental building.
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Tags:best buys in vegas, best margarita in vegas, best show in vegas, how to get to your rental car from the las vegas airpor, las vegas nevada, mccarran airport in vegas, vegas strip
Posted in Adventure Travel, Las Vegas, Photography tips, Tourist attractions, Travel tips, United States, Variety | No Comments »
Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

There are almost no words to describe traveling an authentic portion of Route 66. If time machines exist, then this is one of the finest.
There is an ambience of days gone by, the good old days, when Mom and Dad packed up the old Chevy with 3.5 kids, a dog, a cooler, Dad in his best driving hat, and Mom in her finest traveling clothes, and hit the road in search of adventures, or maybe a new life on the other side of Amercia.
The atmosphere, the sense of nostalgia along “The Mother Road” is so poignant, so acute, that it will bring tears to your eyes. At least, it did, to mine.
My husband and I set out yesterday in search of Americana history. We left Vegas about 7 AM and reached Kingman, Arizona about 3 hours later. With a few stops in the desert along the way, we had set up the perfect photo safari. But we had no idea just how perfect our day was going to be. Because the adventure that is Route 66 still lay ahead of us.
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Tags:driving the mother road, great photography day trips in the united states, hackberry arizona, kingman arizona, old highway signs, photography along route 66, Route 66, seligman arizona, the best road trip in the united states
Posted in Adventure Travel, Arizona, Car shows, Family Vacations, Las Vegas, Route 66, Tourist attractions, Travel Destinations, Travel photography, Travel tips, Travel with kids, United States | No Comments »
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

There is a place in Las Vegas that very few visitors know about. Even fewer will ever see it. It is a place called, “The Boneyard,” and it is a photographer’s dream, even if all you can get is a glimpse through the thick mesh and wire fence surrounding the compound.
The Boneyard is aptly named as it is a sanctuary for old Las Vegas neon signs – the bones of historic Vegas, if you will.
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Tags:americana, las vegas history, neon musum in las vegas, old neon signs
Posted in Family Vacations, Las Vegas, Tourist attractions, Travel photography, United States, Variety | 3 Comments »
Monday, July 28th, 2008
I’m jaded when it comes to variety acts. I have owned an entertainment company for more than a quarter century, and there really isn’t much out there that turns my crank. I have had my fill of jugglers, magicians and comedians. I am married to a magician, and I still teach interactive comedy theatre, so, it is with great pleasure that I can say I have found a really good variety show in Vegas that’s not only fresh and exciting — it’s actually fun.
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Tags:best shows to see in Vegas, miracle mile shops, planet hollywood las vegas, ultimate variety show, v theatre, wally eastwood
Posted in Budget Travel, Celebrities, Family Vacations, Las Vegas, Tourist attractions, Travel tips, Travel with kids, United States | No Comments »
Friday, July 11th, 2008

Planning our next trip is nearly as much fun as taking the trip itself. Well, nearly.
My husband and I are bound for one of our favorite hot spots, and I mean, hot! Las Vegas, Nevada. But we aren’t really into the Strip; we tend to tool around in other parts of Vegas, spending most of our time off the Strip, visiting spots like the Nevada Atomic Testing Museum.
But we have gotten the Route 66 bug, so we’ll go further afield this time. Also, known as the “Mother Road,” Route 66 is just barely visible on modern maps, but a little research shows parts of the roadway can be reached in just under a two-hour drive from Vegas. But it’ll be one hot drive, since we’ll be headed right into the Mojave Desert, at the height of summer heat. But the photo opportunities are just too hard to resist.
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Tags:adobe photoshop techniques, atomic testing museum, ben willmore, chloride arizona, great american history photographs, kingman arizona, las vegas day trips, las vegas nevada, las vegas strip, Route 66, the mother road
Posted in Adventure Travel, Travel Destinations, Travel photography, United States, Variety | Comments Closed