Archive for the ‘Budget Travel’ Category
Thursday, September 25th, 2008

Are you yearning for the open seas? A vista complete with swaying palm trees and exotic lands? Someplace that isn’t here (where you are at the moment)?
Then grab a cup of coffee and settle down with your computer for at least 45 minutes. You are about to go on an adventure, a cruise, the first cruise you should take before booking your real cruise.
Your first port of call? Vacations To Go.
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Tags:cheap cruise ship vacations, cruise bargains, cruise ship fees, cruise ship travel, cruising tips, great cruise deals, how to find a cruise ship deal, how to find a good cruise ship deal, inside cabins, vacations to go
Posted in Adventure Travel, Budget Travel, Cruise Ship Travel, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, Travel tips | Comments Closed
Thursday, September 18th, 2008

Yes, Virginia, there are cheaper days to fly, especially during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. And if you plan your flight schedule to include connecting, instead of direct flights, you will save a bundle.
It’s true. The airlines lower their fees on holiday days and days surrounding holidays because fewer travelers are choosing those days. If you can opt for some of the cheaper flying dates, you could save enough for another flight on a later date.
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Tags:bumping, Cheap Flights, cheap times to fly, cheaper airplane travel, cheapest days to fly, flyring during holidays, how to fly cheap, save money on flights, traveling cheaply on holidays
Posted in Airline Fees, Airline Travel, Budget Travel, Cheap Flights, Family Vacations | Comments Closed
Thursday, July 31st, 2008

I rode the Las Vegas monorail today; it runs along the backyards of Vegas’s giant hotels, all the way from the MGM to the Safari.
From its windows, you can see things you wouldn’t ordinarily glimpse from the Strip, like pools, and lounge chairs, and tanned bodies in tiny swimsuits, and white towels, and — wait a minute! — why are so many of those lounge chairs EMPTY?
Come to think of it, the traffic on the strip seems much lighter than I remember. The casinos seem quieter and less crammed. And the buffet restaurant lines are shorter, or even non-existent.
Where are the people? It’s the middle of summer. Shouldn’t this top American vacation destination be overflowing with visitors? I am curious, so I ask around.
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Tags:best hotel deals in vegas, free things in vegas, how to save money in vegas, las vegas monorail, las vegas nevada, slot machines in vegas, tourist numbers are down in las vegas, vegas deals
Posted in Adventure Travel, Airline Fees, Airline Travel, Budget Travel, Las Vegas, Travel tips, United States, Variety | Comments Closed
Monday, July 28th, 2008
I’m jaded when it comes to variety acts. I have owned an entertainment company for more than a quarter century, and there really isn’t much out there that turns my crank. I have had my fill of jugglers, magicians and comedians. I am married to a magician, and I still teach interactive comedy theatre, so, it is with great pleasure that I can say I have found a really good variety show in Vegas that’s not only fresh and exciting — it’s actually fun.
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Tags:best shows to see in Vegas, miracle mile shops, planet hollywood las vegas, ultimate variety show, v theatre, wally eastwood
Posted in Budget Travel, Celebrities, Family Vacations, Las Vegas, Tourist attractions, Travel tips, Travel with kids, United States | No Comments »
Thursday, June 26th, 2008

No, not all the airlines are charging for the first checked bag, but will they hold out for much longer? We may as well get used to traveling lighter now in anticipation of even higher fees down the road.
Those fees will really add up at $15-$25 per checked bag EACH way when flying to that dream destination.
But do you really need the extra baggage? Probably not. If you choose an appropriate carry-on bag and pack more efficiently, you’re likely to find that you don’t miss hauling around all those extra suitcases.
There are great travel sites with clever tips designed to help you beat the airlines at their own game.
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Tags:Airline Fees, carry on bags, checked baggage fees, fodor's, packing your carry-on bags, smarter travel, traveling with luggage on a plane
Posted in Airline Fees, Airline Travel, Beach Vacations, Budget Travel, Family Vacations, Travel - General Advice, Travel Products, Travel tips, Travel with kids, Variety | Comments Closed
Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

It’s all over the news. Increases in airline tickets. Increases in airline handling fees.
In Europe, Ryanair is charging for everything from booking your ticket with a credit card to simply showing up at the airport. Cruise lines are upping their prices, too, and all in an attempt to offset the rising price of fuel.
But should the increased fees mean less travel? Or maybe it’s just time to get really creative when booking or packing for our travel adventures?
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Tags:airline handling charges, how to beat the high costs of travel, increase in fuel costs, increased airline ticket prices, packing lighter for airline travel, Train Travel
Posted in Adventure Travel, Airline Travel, Budget Travel, Cruise Ship Travel, Family Vacations, Travel - General Advice, Travel tips, Variety | Comments Closed
Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

Horses and Wagon
Alberta embraces the simpler life, and some farms (like Sprout Farms) offer wooden wagon rides pulled by draft horses. It’s one way to spend a summer day in Alberta, but the Edmonton area has so much more to offer. Here are some suggestions of things to do, when you travel to Alberta’s capital city, Edmonton.
Tags:Alberta, alberta farms, edmonton, grain elevators, horse and wagons, international airport, north saskatchewan river, northlands, st. alberta, valley zoo
Posted in Adventure Travel, Alberta, Budget Travel, Canada, Family Vacations, Tourist attractions, Travel with kids, Variety, Zoos | Comments Closed
Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Guns, knives, hand grenades, alligators, and bottles of water — these things will be confiscated if you try to take them through American airport security. But what currently is allowed in your carry-on luggage?
Since the terrorist attacks of 9-11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has changed its mind repeatedly on what is and what is not allowed onto a plane. Nail clippers, once taboo, are now okay. But what about foods? Can you take your lunch onto the plane? What about lithium batteries? A camcorder? What about a tube of face moisturizer?
The answer is “Yes,” to some things, and “No,” to others. If you are still unsure, here’s a quick checklist of some of the most common items allowed and those disallowed in airport security.
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Tags:airport security regulations, cleaing airport security, tsa, what can't I take through airport security, what is not allowed in my carry-on baggage, what's allowed in my carry on baggage
Posted in Adventure Travel, Airline Travel, Budget Travel, Canada, Cruise Ship Travel, Family Vacations, Food and Wine, Travel - General Advice, Travel safety, Travel tips, Travel with kids, Variety | Comments Closed
Monday, April 28th, 2008
“Why do you have to travel so much?” he asked.
“Why do you have to breathe?” I shot back.
For some, travel is an addiction to adventure; for others, travel is a way to survive, in the same way that breathing oxygen ensures our continued existence. The knowledge that an escape has been planned can make our daily routines — our weekly drudgery — that much easier to bear.
But what if you can’t afford to travel? That might be, but that shouldn’t stop you from having a rejuvenating adventure. Some of the best escapes are right in your own backyard. But like all travel, they’ll take a little planning.
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Tags:can't afford to travel, games for kids, kids and travel, suggestions for traveling in city, traveling with children
Posted in Adventure Travel, Budget Travel, Cemeteries, Family Vacations, Travel - General Advice, Travel tips, Travel with kids, Variety | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

Looking for drugs? Do you need a tooth fixed? Or maybe you just have a yen for a darn good taco.
A visit to Brownsville, Texas is great but you must spend at least one day in a foreign country when in the area. And that’s so easy to do, because Mexico is just a short drive, or walk, away.
You can choose from a variety of entry points (International Bridges), but double your fun with a drive up Hwy 281, the “Old Military” highway, and hang a left at Progresso.
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Tags:armed Mexican border crossings, brownsville, cheap dental care over the border, cheap Mexican prescription drugs, crossing the mexican border in brownsville, progresso mexico dentists, staying safe in mexico
Posted in Adventure Travel, Budget Travel, Food and Wine, Mexico, Texas, Tourist attractions, Travel - General Advice, Travel safety, Travel tips, Tropical Destinations, United States | 4 Comments »