March 15th, 2008

The wall of icy water hit me so hard that I sat unable to take my next breath – for over a minute – I’m sure of it. I am also sure our whitewater rafting guide had it in for me.
I could see it in his eyes, from the moment he handed me that ridiculously small wetsuit. I mean, who in their right mind expects any self-respecting woman to don one of those things; it outlines your fat, for heavens’ sakes.
But wear it I did, and what’s more I got back at our nasty guide.
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Tags: canadian whitewater rafting companies, columbia rafting adventures, where to book whitewater rafting trips in british colum, whitewater rafting adventures in canada, whitewater rafting columbia valley
Posted in Adventure Travel, Canada, Family Vacations, Tourist attractions | 2 Comments »
March 14th, 2008
Would you like to improve your photography? In a split second? Then try “splitting” your frame. Into thirds. It’s a tried-and-true photographic compositional technique called the “Rule of Thirds.”
Once you’ve learned the rule, you should break it. But only with intent.
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Tags: center of interest, focal point, how to take great pictures, main subject in photography, photography compositional rules, poor photographs, portrait shooting, rule of thirds, taking better pictures, taking snapshots
Posted in Digital Cameras, Photography tips, Travel photography | No Comments »
March 14th, 2008

A tidal wave of sweat surged across my body, and my stomach rocked with nausea. The writing file I had requested was not to be found. An error message about incorrect paths was the “helpful” information appearing on my laptop’s screen. Had I accidentally erased my entire writing file? My mind spun as I comprehended the enormity of my situation, and the potential data loss. Helplessly, I wrung my hands in despair.
I took a deep breath, gave my head a shake, and forced my heart to quell its tap-dance against my chest wall. Then, I took the steps needed to solve my problem.
Has this happened to you? Have you gone in search of a necessary file only to have your computer spew out a heart-stopping message that your document cannot be found? If so, there is good news: The problem may be very simple, and even simpler to fix.
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Tags: finding lost files on your computer, finding lost folders, how to find missing files, lost computer files, lost photos, missing digital images, missing folders, using your computer search
Posted in Computer Tips, Digital Cameras, Variety | No Comments »
March 12th, 2008
The road to Hana may be a cruel drive for those who suffer from motion sickness, but for orchid lovers, it might be the pathway to Nirvana.
Driving the road to Hana in Maui, Hawaii is a trip that can’t be committed to lightly. Replete with narrow roads and endless curves, driving to Hana is not for the squeamish.
But it is the way for orchid lovers to reach one of the prettiest places on Maui. You might even see Oprah Winfrey’s land.
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Tags: hana tropicals, maui hawaii, orchids in hawaii, road to hana, tourist vans road to hana, tropical flowers on maui
Posted in Adventure Travel, Beach Vacations, Budget Travel, Family Vacations, Hawaii, Tourist attractions, Travel - General Advice, Travel tips, Tropical Destinations, United States | 3 Comments »
March 12th, 2008

Favorite travel destinations? The question is hard to answer because there are so many. But if I am asked what some of my favorite foreign cities are, the question is more easily answered.
In the number one position is the ancient city of Florence, Italy.
It’s in Florence that I had my best cappuccino, at a sidewalk café; it was so artfully decorated with the image of a fern leaf designed with coffee in the milky foam. Florence is also the city that introduced me to one of the most surprising street performers I have ever encountered.
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Tags: arno river, dante, firenze, florence cathedrals, florence italy, ponte vecchio bridge, santa maria del fiore, things to do in florence italy, visiting florence italy
Posted in Adventure Travel, Cruise Ship Travel, Italy, Ports of call, Tourist attractions, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, Travel tips | 6 Comments »
March 10th, 2008

If you desperately need an escape from reality, and you will be traveling in the vicinity of New York City, then a visit to the New York Renaissance Faire could be the perfect fantasy tonic for you.
Located in Sterling Forest, Tuxedo (about an hour’s drive out of New York City), the Faire is one of those tourist-type memories that only get rosier with time.
Don’t think the fantasy aspect of the Faire is childish; it is not. This is adult entertainment, but kids will have a blast, too.
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Tags: birds of prey, medieval fairs, New York renaissance faire, new york tourist attractions, NYC renaissance fair, short line bus, sterling forest, tuxedo new york
Posted in Adventure Travel, Family Vacations, New York, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, Travel tips, United States, Variety | 1 Comment »
March 10th, 2008

New York City has an ample supply of police and security personnel; that’s commonly known. However, there is another type of policing official you might not know about: the “line-up police.”
If you are a theatre-lover, or a lover of the Bard’s works, and you plan to take in New York’s famous Shakespeare in the Park event, then you are guaranteed to meet the Big Apple’s line-up police.
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Tags: central park free tickets, central park summer events, how to get free tickets for shakespeare in the park, new york city attractions, new york city theatre, shakespeare in the park central park, shakespeare in the park line ups
Posted in Budget Travel, Family Vacations, New York, Tourist attractions, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, Travel tips, United States, Variety | Comments Closed
March 4th, 2008
Years ago, there was a nasty little thing you could ask someone you disliked.It went like this: “Can you walk AND chew gum at the same time?”
Today, the question might be, “Can you drive and talk on your cellphone at the same time?”
If you are a frequent traveler – vehicle driver – who must contend with irresponsible drivers who weave dangerously through traffic, a cellphone glued to one ear, then you will love this newest bit of technology. It’s called the MotoRokr T505.
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Tags: dangerous driving, driving with a cellphone, hands free cell phones, hands free devices, motorokr T505, motorola car speakerphones, safe driving
Posted in Travel - General Advice, Travel Products, Travel safety, Travel tips | 2 Comments »
March 3rd, 2008
Do you like good service? How about great new products? Especially products that make your life easier?
Me, too.
And, if like me, you travel a great deal, you know that any product or service that will make your travel experience better, is very welcome. I have found at least one.
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Tags: finding lost items, identification labels, identifying luggage, luggage, luggage repair, roots bag, shoulder bags, smart travel products, torn luggage, travel luggage
Posted in Airline Travel, Family Vacations, New Technology, Photography tips, Travel - General Advice, Travel photography, Travel Products, Travel tips, Variety | 3 Comments »
March 3rd, 2008
Are you wondering about the state of affairs in New Orleans? Has the “City That Care Forgot” managed to recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina? Information on New Orleans recovery can now be easily accessed at the city’s brand new “Recovery Projects Information” site.
It’s been more than 2-1/2 years since the Big Easy was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The massive hurricane, complete with high winds and high waters, hit New Orleans on August, 29, 2005. Protective city levees broke, and the majority of the city was flooded. Luckily, one of New Orleans most popular historic areas, the French Quarter, was spared; that’s where I am headed in a couple of weeks.
According to the Bush administration, it’s expected that it will take a quarter century for New Orleans to fully recover from Katrina. But where tourism is concerned, it’s business as usual. Read on . . .
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Tags: Big Easy, browser windows, cemetary tours in new orleans, ghost tours in new orleans, hotel deals, hurrican katrina, N'awlins, New Orleans, recovery projects information, travel deals, travel planning, tripadvisor
Posted in New Orleans, Ports of call, Travel - General Advice, Travel Destinations, United States | 1 Comment »