Archive for March, 2008

New York City: Meet the Line-up Police!

Monday, March 10th, 2008

Sheree with ExpodiskSheree with ExpodiskPhoto by Sheree Zielke

New York City has an ample supply of police and security personnel; that’s commonly known.  However, there is another type of policing official you might not know about: the “line-up police.”

If you are a theatre-lover, or a lover of the Bard’s works, and you plan to take in New York’s famous Shakespeare in the Park event, then you are guaranteed to meet the Big Apple’s line-up police.

Read on . . .


MotoRokr T505: Talk, Drive and Chew Gum at the Same Time!

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Years ago, there was a nasty little thing you could ask someone you disliked.It went like this:  “Can you walk AND chew gum at the same time?”

Today, the question might be, “Can you drive and talk on your cellphone at the same time?”

If you are a frequent traveler – vehicle driver – who must contend with irresponsible drivers who weave dangerously through traffic, a cellphone glued to one ear, then you will love this newest bit of technology.  It’s called the MotoRokr T505.

Read on . . . (more…)

Travel Accessories: Marking Your Possessions for Easy Return to YOU!

Monday, March 3rd, 2008


Do you like good service?  How about great new products?  Especially products that make your life easier?


Me, too.


And, if like me, you travel a great deal, you know that any product or service that will make your travel experience better, is very welcome.  I have found at least one.


Read on . .



New Orleans: It’s Business as Usual come Hell or High Water!

Monday, March 3rd, 2008

Are you wondering about the state of affairs in New Orleans?  Has the “City That Care Forgot” managed to recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina?  Information on New Orleans recovery can now be easily accessed at the city’s brand new “Recovery Projects Information” site.

It’s been more than 2-1/2 years since the Big Easy was devastated by Hurricane Katrina.  The massive hurricane, complete with high winds and high waters, hit New Orleans on August, 29, 2005.  Protective city levees broke, and the majority of the city was flooded.  Luckily, one of New Orleans most popular historic areas, the French Quarter, was spared; that’s where I am headed in a couple of weeks.

According to the Bush administration, it’s expected that it will take a quarter century for New Orleans to fully recover from Katrina.  But where tourism is concerned, it’s business as usual.    Read on . . .
