Posts Tagged ‘airborne’

Monster trucks: Gotta love ’em!

Monday, May 26th, 2008

Monster truck jumps cars
I am a huge fan of both monster trucks, and my new little Fuji F50 12MG compact digital camera.

Sheer Insanity Monster Truck by Sheree Zielke

I sat at the top of the stands, opted for the Top 3 shots instead of a single shot, set my ISO to 200, chose a medium aperture, pre-focused on the spot where I thought the truck would be, and fired away.

Great jobs done by both “Sheer Insanity” (the truck), and my wonderful tiny camera. Gotta love ’em.

Caught the monster truck show, recently, at the Rainmakers Rodeo held in St. Albert, a city just a few minutes drive from my home of Edmonton, Alberta.

Sheree Zielke