Posts Tagged ‘abandoned buildings’

Urban Blight: Graffiti Art or “Street Soul”

Monday, September 15th, 2008

Sundown Graffiti by Sheree Zielke

Some of us call it urban blight, some of us call it street soul, some of us call it a shame, while others of us simply call it, “beautiful.”

Is there a city or town in the world that doesn’t sport its share of graffiti?  Our city in central Alberta is no different.  And while our city has sent out its graffiti-removal brigade, thank goodness the cleaning squad hasn’t found all of it.  This artwork, with its nasty invectives and racial slurs, especially viewed against the backdrop of the setting sun, can be very intriguing.

Read on . . .


Our Disappearing Heritage along Western Canada Roadways!

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Old Building in Alberta

I felt a pang, no, a pain, that swept through me in an instant as I beheld the old decrepit building with its weathered facade and its old-fashioned architectural detals.  The pain was one of nostalgia, a yearning of things long gone, things that made my childhood magical, things that most children will never understand in today’s fast food world.

Except for my grandkids.

As long as I can walk and talk, as long as I can get into a car, and pack them along with me, my grandchildren will be introduced to my past, my heritage — a heritage in danger of disappearing altogether under the pressures of weather, urban sprawl, industry, and . . . time.

Read on . . .
